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News Byte: Architecture Program Awarded for DEI Efforts

New York Tech’s Bachelor of Architecture degree program has received Insight Into Diversity magazine’s 2024 Inspiring Programs in STEM Award, recognizing the undergraduate program's encouragement of underrepresented groups to enter STEM fields. Jul 23, 2024

Allison Eichler| July 23, 2024

Insight Into Diversity magazine has awarded New York Tech’s Bachelor of Architecture degree program with the 2024 Inspiring Programs in STEM Award. This recognition applauds the School of Architecture and Design’s undergraduate degree on its efforts to inspire and encourage young, underrepresented students to pursue and enter science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields (STEM).

“I am so proud of our school for being recognized with this prestigious national honor,” says Dean Maria Perbellini, M.Arch. “Our efforts in advancing the core values of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are a demonstration of a commendable commitment to a diverse and inclusive institutional culture.”

The Bachelor of Architecture degree is recognized for its commitment to mentoring, teaching, research, and successful programs and initiatives—endeavors furthering the critical values of DEI. The undergraduate program will be featured alongside 82 recipients in the September 2024 issue of Insight Into Diversity, the largest and oldest diversity and inclusion publication in higher education.

“Many STEM programs are not always recognized for their success, dedication, and mentorship for underrepresented students,” says Lenore Pearlstein, co-owner and co-publisher of Insight Into Diversity magazine. “We are proud to honor these programs as role models to other institutions of higher education and beyond.”

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